Writing Rules and Formatting Specifications
1. Abstract and Keywords
Original articles submitted for publication in the International Journal of Art and Aesthetics must include a Turkish (Özet) and English (Abstract) summary, each consisting of at least 150 and at most 300 words, along with 3-5 Turkish (Anahtar Kelimeler) and English (Keywords), as well as a Turkish and English title.
- Citation Style
The APA system should be used for citations in the text to ensure consistency in the referencing style.
- References
At the end of the text, under the heading "KAYNAKÇA" (References), a list of all sources used in the article must be provided. The references should be listed alphabetically by the author's last name.
- Header, Footer, and Page Numbers
Articles should not include headers, footers, or page numbers.
- Spelling and Punctuation
The Turkish Language Association (TDK) spelling and punctuation guide should be followed, except for differences relevant to the content of the text.
- Page Layout
Articles submitted to the system should be formatted by the author in accordance with the following specifications:
- Paper Size: A4 (Vertical orientation; horizontal pages should not be included in the article)
- Top Margin: 3 cm
- Bottom Margin: 3 cm
- Left Margin: 3.5 cm
- Right Margin: 3 cm
- (In Word, go to Page Layout > Margins > Custom Margins to enter the values above. For English Word users: Page Layout > Margins > Custom Margins...)
- Font Type: Book Antiqua
- Font Size: Title 11, main text 11, abstracts and keywords 10, references and visual/table information 10, footnotes 9 pt
- Paragraph Spacing: Before 6 nk – After 0 nk (To adjust paragraph spacing, click on Line Spacing on the main screen, then click on Line Spacing Options. In the window that appears, enter the spacing values under Before and After.)
- Paragraph Indentation: First Line 1 cm for main text; Hanging 0.4 cm for footnotes (To set paragraph indentation, right-click on a blank area of the page in Word, then go to Paragraph > Tabs > Default Tab Stops and set it to 1 cm. For English Word users: Paragraph > Tabs... > Default Tab Stops...)
- Line Spacing: 1.15 for the main text, Single for footnotes (Adjust this via the Line Spacing button in the main menu.)
- Template for Authors
Authors can download the publication template, which has been organized according to the writing rules and formatting guidelines, via this link. Using this template will help authors format their texts according to the journal's publishing principles and format.
Detailed guidelines and writing rules for the International Journal of Art and Aesthetics are available through the example template provided.