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El dokuması halılar Türk Kültür Tarihi içinde taşınabilir kültür mirası olarak tanımlanması bakımından önemli bir yere sahiptir. Anadolu el sanatları içinde geçmişte günlük yaşamın bir parçası olarak üretilen halılar gelenek göreneklerle de bir bütün haline gelmiştir. Günümüzde Türkiye genel coğrafyasında el dokuması halıların giderek azaldığı ve belirli sayıda ki köylerde dokumaya devam edildiği bilinmektedir. Üretim tekniği, farklı renk desen ve motif özelliklerine sahip el halıları, yok olmaya yüz tuttuğu gibi bu sanatı bilen ve uygulayanların sayısı da hızla azalmaktadır. Malatya ili Eskimalatya(Battalgazi) ilçesinde aile şirketi haline gelen halı dokuma atölyesinde Şerafettin Yamancan ve ürettiği halıların tanıtılması amacıyla konu tanımlanmıştır. Yamancan halı atölyesinin ve el dokuması halı üretiminde yapılan çalışmaların, yöntem ve tekniklerinin metin halinde görsellerle sunulması alt amaçlardandır. Yamancan aile şirketine ait Malatya il merkezi ve ilçelerine bağlı köylerde halı üretim atölyeleri konu evrenini, Eskimalatya el halısı üretim atölyesinin çalışmaları ise konu örneklemini oluşturmaktadır. Atölyelerin genel çalışmaları bütün olarak incelenmiş, Eskimalatya örneklem atölyesi çalışmaları incelenerek sınırlandırma yapılmış ve metne aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Abstract Hand-woven carpets have an important place in Turkish Cultural History in terms of being defined as portable cultural heritage. Carpets produced as part of daily life in Anatolian handcrafts in the past have become a part of traditions. Today, Turkey gradually decreases and is known throughout the region continue to be woven in a certain number of villages. Production technique, hand-made carpets with different color patterns and motifs, are about to disappear, as well as the number of those who know and apply this art is rapidly decreasing. In the carpet weaving workshop which became a family company in Eskimalatya (Battalgazi) district of Malatya province, the subject was defined in order to introduce Şerafettin Yamancan and its carpets. Yamancan carpet workshop and hand-woven carpet production of the work done, methods and techniques presented in the text visuals are sub-objectives. The carpet production workshops in the villages of Malatya province and districts belonging to the Yamancan family company constitute the subject universe and the Eskimalatya handmade production workshop is the sample. The general works of the workshops were examined as a whole and it was tried to be transferred to the text by limiting it to the works of Eskimalatya sampling workshop.


ŞERAFETTIN YAMANCAN CARPET WEAVING WORKSHOP IN ESKIMALATYA Abstract Hand-woven carpets have an important place in Turkish Cultural History in terms of being defined as portable cultural heritage. Carpets produced as part of daily life in Anatolian handcrafts in the past have become a part of traditions. Today, Turkey gradually decreases and is known throughout the region continue to be woven in a certain number of villages. Production technique, hand-made carpets with different color patterns and motifs, are about to disappear, as well as the number of those who know and apply this art is rapidly decreasing. In the carpet weaving workshop which became a family company in Eskimalatya (Battalgazi) district of Malatya province, the subject was defined in order to introduce Şerafettin Yamancan and its carpets. Yamancan carpet workshop and hand-woven carpet production of the work done, methods and techniques presented in the text visuals are sub-objectives. The carpet production workshops in the villages of Malatya province and districts belonging to the Yamancan family company constitute the subject universe and the Eskimalatya handmade production workshop is the sample. The general works of the workshops were examined as a whole and it was tried to be transferred to the text by limiting it to the works of Eskimalatya sampling workshop.


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